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Community Midwifery (CMW)

Category: Nursing

Course Details:

This is two years' diploma program, leading to practice as a Registered Midwife (RM). CMW diploma program is designed for training rural females as midwives who can provide maternal and newborn care to women and children of their communities. The Community Midwives are specially trained Skilled Birth Attendants who are equipped to conduct a normal home delivery under safe and clean conditions. This is two years diploma program, leading to practice as a Registered Midwife(RM). The CMW diploma program has been designed for training rural females as midwives who can provide maternal and newborn care to women and children of their communities.

Rural females meeting the CMW eligibility criteria enter into this program through formal selection process.

Course Syllabus

Eligibility :

Matric (Sciences) with No Marks Limited of Community Midwifery.
Matric (Sciences) with No Age Limited of Community Midwifery.

The candidates, whose parents possess domicile of Punjab Province and have been serving in other provinces and they have qualified from / Board Universities of other provinces, will also be eligible to apply for admission on open merit seats by giving cogent reasons to substantiate their claim.


Duration :

2 years
A Community Midwifery (CMW) is 2 Years Diploma Program in which your are to able. How to handel patients at Home.  

Teaching System :

Annual System

Session Begin :


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therefore always free from repetition

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour